You're watching Channel 9 Public Access
11:00 am
Exercise With Ernie: Chi Ball On the Breakers, Parts 1 & 2 (March 2004)
12:00 pm
WCAT's "From the Vault": Deer Island, The Series (2003) (Produced by Ron Wayland, 2003)
1:31 pm
WCAT's "From the Vault": Lori Wadkins FabFest Singing Recital, 2003 (Produced by Barbara Bishop, 2003)
2:53 pm
WCAT's From the Vault: Thru the Years (Winthrop Playmakers, 2003)
4:36 pm
WCAT's "From the Vault": Make A Wish Regatta, 2003 (Produced by Barbara Bishop, 2003)
5:00 pm
WCAT's "From the Vault": Horribles Parade 2004
6:00 pm
Winthrop's Hot Topics: A New Fire Station
6:37 pm
Winthrop's Hot Topics: Superintendent Lisa Howard
See the entire schedule